Thursday, June 24, 2010

Paige's 1st Birthday!

We made it!!! It has been quite a year! Saturday the 19th we had a very small party for Paige. Jeff's Dad & Mom flew out from Michigan, my Dad & Mom drove down for the day, and my brother and his girlfriend, and a few friends. They all were there to celebrate!
Paige took full advantage of it being her day! Paige had her VERY first Oreo Cow Pie! (For those of you who don't know- I spent my summers working at the Piney Crick Store and Waldorf - a- Story, in Story. There I learned how to make these WONDERFUL cakes :) Paige ate the whole thing! She LOVED it! It was a great day, a bittersweet day- but I am so proud of my baby girl!
Paige actually went today for her 1 year check up! She is 19lbs 10oz and 28" long! She has come a LONG way from her start at 6lbs 12oz and 19" long :) Paige is now standing on her own (when she doesn't realize it), saying all sorts of words, and pointing!!
Enjoy the pictures!
Love to all :)
6/21/2009 Moments after Paige was born
6/19/2010 My little Paigey Pie

Every birthday girl needs a tutu :)
Loving on all her presents!
yummmmmm cake!
Don't worry I can finish this!
What a mess!
Love this tutu!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Closing in on the first year...

Yep.. Sound asleep!
Valentine's Day! (My best friend from high school, Jade, made Paige this hat!)
I think she thinks she is in a hot tub relaxing...

There aren't words for this pose..
Her evil grin :)
What baby loves pickles??? PAIGE!!!!! That's my girl!
Paige found the tupperware!!
Loves her Mo!
Many don't believe us that our two silly dogs let Paige climb all over them. But it is TRUE!
I need to get pictures!
Yep she is going to be a climber!
Grandpa let her hold the remote!!!! Can you believe it- she was so excited!
I don't even need to explain- all I can say is tomato sauce is hard to wash off when it dries!

Hello to all!!!! As we are closing in on the year mark, I am amazed how quickly time has gone by!!
Paige is now standing, and getting into everything!!!
Summer has finally hit Laramie, so get ready for even better pictures! I have got to get more pictures with Paiges "bob's" Jeff and I think that she is trying to say dog's but it come out more like bob's!
She can't get enough of them!
Paige can say: mama, dada, baba, RA (for RE), Mo (for mogul- we call him Mo), Bob's (dog's), and many more which I am sure has meaning to her but is another language to Jeff and I!
She enjoys crawling to the back window and hitting it until her "bob's" come to the window.
We go to the doctor the end of June for Paige's 12month visit! So I will update on her stats :)
Enjoy the picures!
Love to all,
J L & P

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring is here?

Hello to family and friends!

It has been a busy couple of months at the Wente home! Jeff is working like crazy on his first MAJOR remodel project, Paige is busy pulling herself up on things, and I have been trying to keep it all together :)

I will post pictures soon (I promise!)

I am currently going through the past 9 months of pictures and sorting and finally putting them on CD's for safe keeping. Spring cleaning at the Wente house is in full bloom! Jeff and I have been packing up all of the baby things that Paige no longer uses, it has been fun going through clothes from when Paige was a newborn! Next... the garage- gulp! We have already had a couple of spring snow storms, so no outdoor work yet.. We are hoping soon!

Paige had her 9 month dorctor's visit, she is a healthy little peanut. She weighed 18lbs 15oz, and she is 27 3/8"! I can't believe it! It has been 9 months and Paige is now crawling, pulling herself up to a standing position (we had do lower her crib). She said her first word- mama :) and from there it has turned into dada! Paige just figured out how to wave and give high fives! I am working on blowing kisses- Paige just laughs. We can't believe her first birthday is sneaking up on us!

Love to all :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rolling, rolling, rolling, keep them Paige's rolling....

Paige and I (Leah) went and stayed with my Mom and Dad (well my Dad left for a business trip) for a few weeks. In that time Jeff did some MAJOR work on our house! Pictures to come!!
While we were there Paige enjoyed yelling at the dogs and trying to catch the attention of the cats! In this picture Izza jumped up on the chair and Paige's jaw literally dropped!! It was so funny! But of course as soon as I grabbed the camera she stopped..
So apparently I used to sit in this same exact high chair, and sit the same exact way... Paige really loved this high chair! Me... not so much! My Mom finally tied a dish cloth around her so she couldn't slide out! It is amazing my siblings and I are still alive : )
Paige has finally showed an interest in crawling! All of a sudden Paige wants to roll again. As soon as she could sit up she has wanted NOTHING to do with being on her tummy. Well now she is all about rolling ALL over the floor!!!
And this is now how I find my poor little Angel- waking up because she rolls in her sleep..she isn't sure she likes doing it just yet, but she is adjusting.
Paige started on the green carpet... and rolled all the way under our dining room table- then she could figure out how to get out! Mommy to the rescue!!
On our way home- while passing through Medicine Bow we came across this... These deer must have been picking up a 6 pack.

Jeff and I are amazed with this little girl. Paige is really showing her personality, and man it is a BIG one! She is making many noises: rasberries , sing song noises, and yelling at her boys (R.E., and Mo). She is getting so big, and I about cried when I made an appointment to get her 9 month pictures.
Yes, I said 9 months (in March of course!).
With crawling in our near future, I am treasuring sitting down as much as I can : )

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

R.E. watching over his baby

One of Paige's Christmas presents from her Grandpa Ted and Grandma Ann! (High chair)

Trying to figure out the sippy cup!

Christmas Eve!

Getting in the crawling stance


Happy little lady!

We went to the doctor at the beginning of the week... Paige weighed 17lbs and 1/2oz and was 25 3/4" long!!! SO.... she is in the 75% for weight and 50% for height! Right on track- and her doctor said we could start cheerio's!!

Now how do I get this in my mouth??

Our Christmas tree! (Ignore the icky walls- Jeff is getting rid of Paige and I for the next 2 weeks and he will be doing all of the main floor- flooring. As well as fixing all of the plaster walls where he ever so lovely brick half wall was (behind the tree), and painting a beautiful bright white so then I can paint later when I make up my mind! Good bye yellow trial paint, I never liked you anyway!

Christmas Morning! With some of Paige's loot!

Gifts from Grandpa Jon and Grandma Paula! This is about the time when she looked around and started screaming.. I think she was so over stimulated!!

After months of waiting Jeff could finially dress Paige is something he wanted!!! And she finally fits in them! Now Jeff and Paige can match in their Carhartt bibs!!

Oh my little lady :)

This Christmas was one to remember, even though Paige won't! But we will with our new video camera!! Jeff and I realized that we won't have very many Christmas mornings like this that start at 7am, with a shower and breakfast.. Paigey opened up some of her presents before she started to melt down- so I put her down for a nap and in an hour or so she was ready to play!! It was a great lazy day! And Thank you to all of our family for the wonderful gifts and cards :)

Well, goodbye to 2009, hello 2010!! I am both happy and sad to see 2009 go, but all and all it was a pretty good year! Jeff and I will remember 2009 as the year we welcomed Paige into our lives, and became a family. We have watched Paige grow and enjoyed her many milestones. 2010 will be a fun year, Paige should be crawling, walking, and starting to talk!! Not to mention we are 1/2 way there to her 1st birthday! Jeff and I will be married for 3 years (the end of June after Paige's birthday). There are so many good things to look forward to for this New Year! Although we all went to bed at our usual 10pm on New Year's Eve, we woke up the next morning bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7am to a happy baby!
Love to all
J, L & P