Thursday, June 24, 2010

Paige's 1st Birthday!

We made it!!! It has been quite a year! Saturday the 19th we had a very small party for Paige. Jeff's Dad & Mom flew out from Michigan, my Dad & Mom drove down for the day, and my brother and his girlfriend, and a few friends. They all were there to celebrate!
Paige took full advantage of it being her day! Paige had her VERY first Oreo Cow Pie! (For those of you who don't know- I spent my summers working at the Piney Crick Store and Waldorf - a- Story, in Story. There I learned how to make these WONDERFUL cakes :) Paige ate the whole thing! She LOVED it! It was a great day, a bittersweet day- but I am so proud of my baby girl!
Paige actually went today for her 1 year check up! She is 19lbs 10oz and 28" long! She has come a LONG way from her start at 6lbs 12oz and 19" long :) Paige is now standing on her own (when she doesn't realize it), saying all sorts of words, and pointing!!
Enjoy the pictures!
Love to all :)
6/21/2009 Moments after Paige was born
6/19/2010 My little Paigey Pie

Every birthday girl needs a tutu :)
Loving on all her presents!
yummmmmm cake!
Don't worry I can finish this!
What a mess!
Love this tutu!!!